FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

I went through the trouble of ISOing Marl for the second time and this man is town meow

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They don’t have any progression yet, so far their reads are very static. I’ll see whether or not they develop them later.

What does this even mean?

You asked me to try and describe how Emilia is approaching the game, how is any of that AI?

I’d like to inform all hot I’m you


how could how somebody’s approach to the play not be AI

Emilias lock town

Assuming you meant game by play, playstyles are like the least AI thing in FM.

Back again. Anyone got c l i f f s ?

i heavily, heavily disagree. people’s general, macro approach to the game does not appear to be the same as v and w. because they’re, you know, they’re trying to do different things.

Agree to disagree then.

can you do me a favour and assume i’m right, and analyse emilia or someone’s macro play under the assumption that it’s meaningful

it’ll say a lot about both their allignment and yours.

I revealed as IC because I had someone push me


Icis probably mafia

[quote=“Icibalus, post:4148, topic:88118, full:true”]

I both agree and disagree with this
people who approach playing as different alignments with a different tactic, yes, it becomes obvious. Lots of people are very polarized in their play.
people who approach any alignment with a similar strategy, to mimic their playstyle as town when they’re scum, or to act scummy as town to bolster their scumgame, cannot be read off of playstyle alone.
I also feel like when reading people off of cold meta, most of the time it is extremely incorrect, so I don’t think playstyle is as AI as you think.

how the fuck did that quote break

yeah but those people are bad at mafia and can be caught easy by other methods

yeah but then playstyle isn’t AI, is it

also i dont think it’s necessarily bad

Realistically, I think kat’s approach to reading me is towny, even if wrong.

I can’t say the same about Ici, but that’s partly because I remember less about her thought process and attitude changes as I posted more. I remember most of these from kat and I think it was towny overall.

trust me it is
mimicing village play gets you nowhere as wolf