FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

Whats the 3 and whats the 1

i might personally rate all the submissions d2 when the event is over

Forgot to mention, Aelin is on my “probably town” list.

The biggest thing going for nutella is postcount, the actual content is very much eh.


TMI you’re not dying??? Wolf???!!!?!?!!??!?!


What the hell is happening in the background.

no marshal gave me a bpv remember :flushed:

Am I getting baited by the gods or what


Did she actually? Where?

bowser and mario are having a date

stop spying

shhhhhh dont talk so loudly
it’s a secret :flushed:


Bowser looks like is about to commit an adultnapping.

nut v

dn if i gave this opinion before

I’m nut convinced unless you back this up.

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Nevermind, there’s no variation of the word “kidnapping” for adults.

nut dont give two shits

takes dont make sense and make sense and obviously arent made up