FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

im cheating on you


what alignment is apelsin

i’ll kill you for the insurance money

i mean i dont care if you do the villagery spark think its just

i feel like i could make that night post regardless of alignment




if you shoot Luxy then I’m shooting you. Only I get to shoot my green checks.

misty is village but i’m going to refuse to explain why so she can’t complain about it
this is definitely a sustainable strategy

miss styx is villagery because they posted villagery thoughts and their questioning of being townread is towny

boom hi misty

youre v because you go after targets like Luxy and not like 4mask

generally when people argue that reason to townread them is wrong they are usually not town

ur not town

think we shoot mist tommorow

i wont complain if the metaphor is funny enough

generally when people aruge that reason to townread them is wrong the reason to townread them is wrong

okay you give me the vibes of latias

ur right

im not town

im gay

no reason to townread people is wrong if its correct

ita katze

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also because you dont try to hold the thread onto your wagon of choice