FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

@katze whats up

ok so then why are you complaining about people reacting to event results instead of solving

is this Uni’s first post of the game nya

Oh God why did that happen after I just said corn after being here never

Okay Luxy confirmed Town BTW

okay we’ve confirmed two things through the use of unexpected day 1 kp let’s go

  1. the claimvig is ability based (so shutze the fuck up about abilities, but i wouldn’t be surprised if it could pinpont flavor too)
  2. there exists an enabler that can give some people powerful abilities

unsure how to feel about this lmao


sup boo

No this is that is the second

no they said popcat to me earlier

I’m with you on that Intensify.

Big rip

as soon as he brought omega abilities he got killed

so uhh yeah

not a good sign

I’m being setup

okay but like if you could all at least acknowledge this it’s kind of fucking important someone got smoked in broad daylight

The shot was like
99% katze right?

hi everyone nya

feeling depressed that no one is going to kill the obvious mafia

but it’s okay

Kat has won two events and claimed to have a dayvig earlier so like