FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

Also I want to meme about the fk shot but I’m worried I’ll trigger the claim vig accidentally

It feels like they are playing BoTc not FM while simular are still played differently.

and i feel from their pushes and posts that the BoTc style they presented was likelyier a towny one then wolf.

It’s why they are in my lowest T tier but honestly want to see more of them maybe some live interactions will help my read. either show am wrong or right.

being near sulit and uni for an extended period of time has rearranged my typing patterns

people pls answer

i seem to have missed about 2000 posts
dnc enough to read up anymore

When did FK claim anything to do with his role? How’s it a claimvig?

whats the question
theres no question here ghana

it’s a reply to my question

hosts there’s only 45 alive and majority is 23 :nerd:


i feel
very dizzy

it’s a habit i picked up at some point
i copy other people’s typing patterns the more i spend time around them

Game paused, Eevee modkilled, Eevee flavour changed to osie, game resumed, mysterious player won the event, FK was shot.

w h e r e i s t h e q u e s t i o n

I’ve try harded enough to this day that im fine with the wagons

but now I want to end the day on a wagon that makes me look cool and good at fm

lmao FK imagine being the first person to die

last sentence

i was the first person to die

I’ve never played BOTC, but I really just don’t see this connection. Like what posts in particular make you go, this is townie?

TL is still a wolf btw

Im game for Tan/orange wagon

tan hasnt improved in my eyes today tbh from when i last commented on the slot

Orange is in his W!meta and mindset

vote is going on Tan for now

/vote Tangeld