FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)


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straight up go look at how wazza approached Umi and then come back here

There’s the same heavy focus on mech stuff and claims over actual reads

they may not have claimed self-resolving here but the core mech-focused approach is still there


I was a Mafia Retributionist, a role not many people expect.


Okay, so reading back on Wazza, she feels… weirdly obsessed with the anticlaim. She keeps trying to speculate on what sort of anticlaim it is like she wants to bait people into hitting it, she keeps bringing up other people’s abilities in a way that feels just dissimilar enough from fishing that she can deny it… Wazza’s focus on the anticlaim reads like she’s the anticlaim and wants to get people to claim so she can do unspeakable things to them.

Good night Actic.


will take a look


oh why

I didn’t like his opener but I haven’t really gotten a chance to re-evaluate

Was going to last night but then there was an event

fwiw he seemed p chill in event chat and I thought that was a good look considering I’d been going at him earlier

I barely even spoke about the anticlaim apart from talking about me wanting to meme with my flavour (like anyone probably wants to right now), and I also had a gutfeeling that because of post restrictions, claimvig for flavour wasn’t a thing, as well as the fact PKR was softing his role so hard so it’s good to tell him to shut up about it. I also mentioned how no one should claim anything to do with their role for the first day and another post about the claimvig I made was asking how FK was a claimvig kill.

boom, all instances, explain what’s wrong with em

How’s it weird to not want people to claim and trigger an anticlaim? Someone has to mention it when people are joking about claiming.

I can link post series

their frusteration this morning felt really towny

lemme find

the point that you spent very few posts talking about reads and mostly chatted, talked mech, or exploded is still true and applies here as well

You were IN THAT GAME my dude

I think you’re forgetting the fact that this is a mash.

that’s literally even more reason for that to apply

I drink to forget, not to remember

I’m really confused what you’re trying to say rn.

startze here FAM Main Thread - Day 1 (45/47) - #4363 by min

I can see how it could come across that way but something tells me that Wazza might be trying to figure out what kind of anti claim mechanic is in play to help keep town from falling into it.