FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

Is it CFDing me if I’m already one of the day’s top wagons?

That while I have not been here for like 99% of the day, for an overwhelming majority of the time you have seen me I have been fluff-posting to asking the same question of “What is going on?”

It wouldn’t be unnatural for someone to call me out on it or say Im trying to dodge the question of giving reads of the current game-state.

yeah so i removed reading the list from my to-do list



How are you! :smiley:

i havent read you yet!!!
I have updated my read queue!
led board flickers on

to read:

why not

Read like the 3 posts before i left

its a 45 player game i dont have reads on every player!!

tans posting is absurdly wolfy bbtbh


We need some level of consensus if we’re gonna shift vote to astand, because my point about scum hopping on a wagon late stands. Whatever vote we want to make today should have enough of a difference between it and the second-highest that there shouldn’t be any explanation for a quick swap that isn’t wolfy.

dang, astand’s been shittalking me? im surprised it’s only one person thus far

ima be honest i cant really say much for most of ur reads but pkr has always been awful when any sort of pressure is on him

i had bubble tea this afternoon tbh

am i allowed to ask why eevee got modkilled or does no one know?

they’ve been reading you villager
but the way they did it looks bad nya

you realized both marshal and kat confirmed that event prizes are nowhere near dayvig strength right

Read host iso

It was announced in thread, ISO host account if you can’t find it linked.