Vul’s response to me in second or third entry (for me) seemed really townie and how they handled me SR’ing them to begin with. Night had some nice interactions with me. Sulit was pure af in all my interactions with them. Probably my strongest gut read. I’ll give you min. I forgot that read. Katze’s method of SR’ing Vul felt really authentic and made sense. I even agreed with it and I liked the thought process. Wazza when i entered with Kyo felt really good and how she thought i could see enough to give me a meld. Kyo is extremely different from Sayonara (they were SK there) but they feel much more aggressive. in a scummy way more than a towny way. Emi is looking for a no sus way out of ITAs, not bothering to shoot their reads which rubs me the wrong way.
I don’t have reasons on 1