FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

Wait where the fuck did this come from

fun fact oliver cromwell probably actually wasn’t called that? i won’t explain in any detail because i’m not arete. but that’s a vague gesture at a history fact i know.

i can’t not read blizer as blinzer so help me lissa

I read back you dingus

children if you have been paying ATTENTION you will know why I think this

Me: asks questions
Literally everyone I’m talking to: “Let’s play the ignore Aelin game!”

suwulit - has overall good posts that make good waterfalls, readze in #615, overall just feels very nautral in thread
Clonedscheesei - vtillager liean - has nover not ranedde vilalger

katzei - aopening reads good and didnt rand woolf int 25 gamse or soemthing, reads overall are agreeabel and vibe with - n0 jane
G. G. Hana - words all over thread. everywhen. naturalle and yeth, shows solvy wordss.
KyoDaz - v - good opening, solvy reads

Arc’ic - one good post maybe sure, need solving thououg
also theyre funny i guess
Conroy France-san - did some solving I guess?
Bilzer - take on intensify in 879 makes sense frm threaadnstaate

Intensify-san - looks not great opening? process is fine, but about null

nutella - nutella spew
Orance - >:(

Vulgad - respons to pressure is stiff lol, reads look suuuper wacky

i feel weird and dont want to be in thread but at the same time I cant leave

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why am I unremarkable then

Okay but as I said.

I started making reads after it seemed like the meme phase was over.

How this have to do with me saying that making a read an hour in was stupid.

it’s true that I like won’t do anything super high effort until late game, but calling me probably V for that reason is still not something I’m trusting over

I called you =rand though?

blizer you’ve literally been posting the most boring possible thing in every situation, and the only notable things you’ve done have been to equivocate in a manner reminiscent of a politician

do something remarkable, please

same af
i wanna take a shower but stuck


Gorta plz


Haha I don’t have that problem yet

Since my breaks over in 3 mins xD

It feels like your just agreeing with threadstate on Vul’s postion on thread

i dont feel like you have been adding anything to threadstate personally

you called me probably V over the fact that I will likely be overwhelmed and drowned out

I give up on reading 500+ posts every time I come back

what be happening rn