FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

its factually flawed because 47/4 isn’t 14

Yeah I just realised lol

Genuinely I am stupid

So what I’m seeing is people are reading my N0 as scum because they skipped class when division was being taught

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/vote nutella

why did you just now show up to thread it’s 1 am for u

luxy is lockwolf for being bad at math

this should be obvious



in that case vulgard is locktown for being math himself

Lukundo !


How good at mafia are you?

oh yeah luxy’s reaction to me saying vul was a PR felt more like “this is what villagers should do” than a genuine thought

dont feel super good atm
i might actually just disappear for the rest of the day

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Okay I feel better


@orangeandblack5 what did u want to know

Shut up. My schedule is in pain.


Body. I forgot the trick but cba to find it

Fair enough point

I haven’t played in a long time so I’m feeling a little awkward I guess
