FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

You seem stressed, which probably doesn’t help.

I’d be willing to give you a pass on explaining reads if that’d help, although that’d require other people also doing that.

You’ve been pretty villagery imo, so I’d say it’s a pretty big exaggeration that you’re fucking everything up.

Maxi has never displayed such drive as town either though

well i wouldn’t know since i havent played with them before nya

I’m currently scumreading Astand super hard. I wouldn’t shoot Maxi before Astand, but if Astand flips wolf, Maximus looks pretty bad. Astand put an early townread on Maxi for reasons that seemed thin to me, I questioned him about it and didn’t like his answer. If Astand’s mafia, it looks like he was trying to make the thread townread Maxi and strengthen his position in the thread.

Also, this is less relevant, but Maxi might be wolf KP in that case.

There is, in fact, more than one way to play FM. If you don’t believe me, just read this article on MU.

Because I think there are far better candidates and I like how relaxed they have been just far. It’s just a lean though.

That’s fine, what are your thoughts on Ici?

I would kill Astand before shooting Maxi, though, I think that gives us more info about Maxi’s alignment than Maxi’s flip gives us about Astand’s (in the event he flips V).


Actually it’s really not that fine, because that tactic only works well with overwhelming thread presence, which you don’t have and definitely doesn’t work well day 1 in a mash.

But that’s a debate that will get us nowhere

Not a huge fan of how FK’s biggest contributions so far are defenses of Luxy and Intensify, both slots that have otherwise not been very towny.

Jane’s playstyle here is probably irrelevant towards their alignment

Vulgard, isn’t it the responsibility of villagers to defend people they find villagery but nobody else does?

Me not liking that applies even if he’s right. Aside from the specific case where his cop claim is a trueclaim.

These are the only things he did iirc, that’s the problem.

True, but I’d argue, hypothetically, if he’s right and he succeeds at hardcalling defense on those two, that’s a productive D1 and gets him a pass through the first shots.

Yeah, no, I wouldn’t shoot him yet. Just putting it out there.

…Okay, I just actually kinda vibed with a Vulgard post.

he might be a villager

i thought you just disagreed with it

Eh… it’ll work better as the game goes on. If it doesn’t work I can just increase my thread presence on later days anyway, or just change my playstyle altogether. I’ll put in more effort once ITAs start and when there’s less than ~30 players.