FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

TL tming tan town

frostwolf is still not villagery

im gonna break from thread for a bit i dont feel great

I missed a bit while sleeping h hi

there’s only like
three people typing at a time
why forums breaking?

tf does this mean

Not sure about Tan, but I feel that Orange should definitely die. If not to today’s yeeting, to its tomorrow.

I don’t recognise the symbol at all and google isn’t helping

we do have ITA’s tmrw aswell

so that can do the job aswell

do scum have an omega(lul) vig

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Uhh could you pick out specific posts?

Went through tan’s iso, mostly just frustration that I believe is real but isn’t AI since I think it could come from both alignments.

wazza that’s a fucking omega symbol
from the greek alphabet

Omega or somwth

more like


no its darkseid

I would like you to quote the specific posts, so I don’t need to go on a wild goose chase. If you’re white knighting Tan, at least do it properly

@Silviu200530 please post reads, thanks

I just don’t want to vote tan even though she’s acting wolfy

As for you Marshal, I’ve gotten wolfy vibes from you honestly although it’s more a gut feeling at the moment. You’re maybe at the edge of my PoE right now.




FIne give me a sec to get to computer am not ISOing on this phone

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