FAM Thread 1 (Day 1)

CFDs usually hit town more than scum tbh.

I will stick with this because I’m usually correct on this.

sorry for the delay computer ate shit

But the miller thing is pretty pertinent


I should probably attempt to read Luk before I sleep I guess

(voting thread nya)

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wazza is still skeeving me out aaa

uhh let me think about where i want to vote

Who are the wolves here if Tangeld is town

This is literally the largest wagon so far in the game and it formed in like 2 hours

i’ve calmed down due to feeling dizzy and falling over
i was on my bed so its fine
i have a massive headache now nya

hm? No mention of me seeming suspicious.
Unless you mean I’m not very pleasant to play with, if so, understandable.

that is not normal and you should drink some water and maybe see a doctor

health > game

I’ll cop to that opinion

This is also a very solid point on Tangeld I might add

Drink water, take painkiller, don’t look at screen and get some sleep.

I’ve had headache problems for the past 3 weeks now since my illness began, trust me, it’s the best option.

your posts just keep pinging me regardless
i thought the you/orange thing felt like a v/v conflict at the time but im still ??? about a lot of stuff

okay nya

Point out what you find bad then

look it’s entirely possible tan is also a hit

would certainly explain her fighting the astand wagon so hard at first

gn, sleep well