Well should no one objects, I am going to shoot Joker.
is that a second
and if he’s not he’s certainly wolfsiding enough that killing him isn’t a bad idea
would rather you shoot intensify but thats not a bad shot
i object
Go for it
joker shot at intensify idk if i should read into that one way or the other
I’ve seen ~no joker posts outside of rn
how new is he to fm
I am giving 10 minutes window for replies.
The list does say to shoot until dead, and I’m just a humble sheep that follows orders
we should start forcing people to ITA a few more times after ITAing to make sure they don’t have a secondary ITA
I am new to fol fm
I’ve played plenty over on nuf
He is on the list, go for it. Would prefer someone else though tbh.
I mean I read Joker as slightly towny from his willingness to be ITA’d
stop asking to be ITA’d that’s literally gamethrowing