FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

How :sparkles: can you :sparkles: say that :sparkles: when :sparkles: the setup :sparkles: is closed :sparkles:

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i wanted to hero shoot just to feel what it was like

I strongly suspect that they won’t be resolved on D3 but you do you I guess

intellectual dishonesty and laziness aren’t wolfy, which is why it’s so annoying that the case for me being wolf is borne of both. there’s nothing wolfy about thinking i’m a wolf, it’s just a bad call, honestly as either allignment, because after i flip v the wolves on me are going to stick out like a sore thumb

my brain

again stop it with the role fishing

Not really imo, he only made one post after he died and then disappeared

not werf

This literally made me laugh IRL a bit.

ob5 what kinda pride flag is that

i mean if they dont resolve tonight

top of the ita list easy

What role fishing?? I’m discussing an aspect of the setup, not asking anyone to claim anything.


Oh boy


I would like a more specific explanation detailing the context I had provided at hand.

yeah i realize that now

Isn’t that an Armenian flag

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stop being sus

I didn’t know Armenian was a sexuality

I see I’m talking to a wall again.

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and you’re not going to get one. try and figure out why i played the way i did by yourself for a change.

this is the best post in the game