FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

i hope everyone dies

… although if mostly everyone is scum in this event, they might be able to work together and just reap a big reward.

Anyone know what last community’s boats event was?

this would be optimal

blood to unbore me

i’m saying no because you’ll say kill ici last

i say we let them play the game and embrace the chaos

i legit think event has high odds of a lot of wolves

especially because the high chance of death part looks fake

at this point i want ici to die because she clearly wants to and im p sure im fuckijg rigjt anyway

here’s what i know about boats


But if ici dies I have to reconsidering who I shoot.
Which isn’t bad but requires brain power

I want 4 of them to die.
Which 4? Idk

ISOing right now so maybe I’ll get back to you

Preferably the one who has your flavour if one of them is in this

if they all died id be happy

but i assume exactly 3 will

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good thing literally everyone in the event is poe


I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone just dies

Yeah guess will look later who survives most likely.

Look, I think you as a player should be alive.
You as flavour needs to die asap.
If I had a flavour vig I would specifically target Katze flavour

honestly seeing the playerlist if i knew what this was i probably would have joined so town actually has a chance of getting whatever the prize is


I was gonna join but was too slow :frowning: