FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

Would personally prefer TL shots over Joker shots given the ITA history, since if TL flips mafia, Whysper and Leafia can be given a pass for shooting them.

Still kill Leafia for being very likely Tangeld’s 3p partner, but if Leafia shot a wolf today, we can let her live for now I think? And I’m saying that as someone who usually takes a hardline stance against neutrals, as my title would suggest.

She was scum in both of those games, for reference

I would post joycat emojis to the hosts to send to katze
and say “GET REKT, MEOW”

@Arctic Sulit claimed she won the sheep event.

I am. Somewhat.

this is funny when its like almost 7 for me

rather you’d shoot ici than linny but w/e

i find it unlikely you wouldn’t be stopped

Psyx was very pure tho but I digress

quite frankly it’s a win/win/win
if katze is town she lives
if katze is scum, he dies
if katze is town and lying, they learn a valuable life lesson about lying for no reason

Can we not shoot off the shot list considering we’ve already killed two wolves (possibly three if Intensify is mafia) by following it?

and i’ll cry if our only protective was a fancy looking one shot doctor

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kat has hardcleared me and veto’d me from all shots
we’re all in agreement that kat is villagery and is pretty good at the game when they’re not fakeclaiming cop checks as cop

you know what would be super poggers
if you didn’t shoot me

My shot can’t be roleblocked and bypasses immunity if my target meets certain conditions and i fulfill my post restriction, nya!

I’m happy for Marl to direct my shot Rn since I really don’t have a good grasp on the game

and kat knows best

Even if Intensify flips mafia, shots on him are not clearing because wolves would’ve known he wouldn’t flip and thus were bussing.

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You’ve only seen one towngame of mine before now, so I can understand why you’d be scumreading me if you’re town.

funnily enough katze hasn’t actually explained why you’re town but all the people who think you’re scum have explained why they think you’re scum

an ITA is like a boop on the nose unless it hits
consider it a mark of honor, nya