FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

It didn’t show up for me until after I wrote all these posts, blame the thread not autoloading.

I just woke up like 10 minutes ago, nerd.


they had >100 posts on D1 and I really do think it is just that simple

why did joker move down

why is Amelia there at all

not you suspicious imposter I mean like ici and kyo and orangeade vul

vulgard initially seems wolfy but drips with villageriness once you start paying attention, oab’s posting has skyrocketed in quality, i’m starting to question my v read on solic (not because of how he’s treating me, i haven’t quite formulated it yet so you’ll have to wait on that. or just kill me i guess since that’s so popular), arctic is iffy but is still most likely v, kat is villagery, i’ve come around on blizer

there are a lot of people i can call villagery in this game but not a lot of people i can call wolfy, even beyond the way the numbers fall.

therefore the wolves are probably lowposters and people who have escaped my attention


why the FUCK

is ici on the shot list

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I don’t know if I should feel insulted or confused by this

I think his recent post on whysper was absolute gold so

mind explaining why?

okay well at least we somewhat agree on that

Which low posters - the people you have already mentioned (myself and Esooa)

whysper is partnery af with luk on D1 and Uni had an awful D1 vote placement, overjustified shot onto lol that he wanted way too much cred for, and is by far the least towny player in zl’s cult

you’re acting sussy

and before you start, solic, asking for explanations is fine, i just find asking explanations for AtE insulting

I mean he pointed out whys defended a flipped wolf when like nobody else noticed

is it worth even making reads anymore if people are just gonna shotlist my townreads

i don’t have to explain shit to you
i just have to get a pelt and save myself

whysper pushing my wagon over lol and lukundo is super fucking scummy and nobody else had called it out

ok then hen