FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

okay well this is the response I expected
that was not the response she gave

before i read solics post

two of the clearest villagers in the game are arguing hard for ici being a villager

and yet she’s still like, the second wagon

im not going to spell this out for you


also this

the reason I’m pushing so hard is that joker doesn’t end game when everyone forgets about him when me, katze and esooa die tonight

This is where I’m at. I actually liked ici when she had a bit of fight about an hour ago but the “oh no I cant get a pelt just kill me” is hard to read as town.


you know what

idea, why not have someone like, invest ici if we can tonight

cause slot is very controversial rn

but the best mafia player is saying they are a wolf so they must be a wolf


because it’s such an obviously anti town mindset

the only time it makes sense is from scum trying to earn pity points

me and mist

and we’re both much more experienced in mashes than half of y’all so we’re obv more right :triumph:

anybody want some

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Aw I didn’t know u thought I was best mafia player :heart:

tenor (2)

well i fucking thought i had light at the end of the tunnel and then my brain just decided to stop working on the revelation i thought i was getting close to and all of the stacked up ideas in there have basically just fallen through the cracks and i don’t know anything any more


Okay min, let’s say I’m not wolf and that’s going to be revealed~ what are you going to do then?

It’s mafia, things being controversial is just part of it…

I will switch my vote off of Icibalus if Amelia becomes a wagon

so yeah, of course i used to have fight in me, but despite all my efforts my brain just isn’t doing what i want it to do. that’s just how it is for me sometimes. occasionally i come out with brilliance, sometimes i just jam and come out with a vaguely noxious gas

How would this earn anyone pity. Everybody hates it and it sticks out like a sore thumb.