FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

Had a nice nap and now I’m back.

seems like a pretty normal take to me

Someone who’s consensus towncore who’s a very skilled player.

Try putting some fire under it then it’s a hot take

min wasn’t blatantly claiming it

thanks for admitting you were rolefishing now

As well as the fact that Luxy will likely be protected and watched.

wolfy post

GGhana town

See a hot take

Astand replaced out and Lol took his place.

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mmm, yes they did.

take it as you want

It’s at least likely I think. I haven’t seen anything too wolfy from them.


anyways I’m back now

I was hanging out with my dad cause Father’s Day

after my delerious screeching in thread I’m glad it at least got ici off the block (I just don’t feel like ici is a hit. I just don’t)

I’d rather joker got annihilated off the face of the earth but a whysper/Amelia yeet is f i n e I guess


Honestly agree with this fully

Yeah. While I’d prefer a Kyo yeet, a Joker yeet is fine too.

no they didn’t

this is just inviting a no u back and forth but you have basically admitted to role fishing so I’ll just add that to the google doc I post when I get my 243 Twitter followers to cancel you

I’m now uncomfortable with an amelia/whysper yeet

Either way I think we just Yeet joker and leash my shot today that seems to be all that left.

Parenting events

so is your desperado shot public

Does it feel like this is maf trying to determine who would be the best target to kill tonight to anyone else?