FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

i dont have tol


i assumed we were going to play it

its literally a ToL game lol


I’m at work

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Just get TOL on ur phone

the event is literally just playing a game of ToL


How is ici obv town in anyway all her reads are so theoretical and tentative and she’s doing that thing where she talks about herself a lot which she does as mafia

dude just trust me

when will there be death event

death event

bottom text

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ok so if i flip villa are you going to go “oh no the person who i scumread and couldve defended themselves died because i didnt bother talking to them”

Do you have mech info?

in two hours

its called ITA phase


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@ me for death event and I’ll join it if I dont you (but only you) can ita and I shall accept it with no retaliation

i hope tol can download because the event starts joy ca t


I survived boats in both the other 2 community fms somehow lol


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