FAM Thread 2 (Day 2)

thats what i mean. comparing both flips we have the other seems like way better

oh hey nice one mist

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wait this means we had 3p/w/w wagons yesterday EoD

people hard pushing tan should maybe be looked at even more those joining late

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A shot rings out!

Nobody has died!


joy c moment

what the feck

that is intresting

something tells me the shot was at misty


@Mistyx did you have a vest or something

what the hell

no lol

:joy_cat: someone has death immunity

not a wolf shot then maybe?
you’re like an obvious wolf shot target after that

or a day TP was on someone
or its a wolf role that makes fake shots

day bus driver funny

wolf role with fake anonymous shots is weird
usually it’s via an npc

someone else would’ve died tho