FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

thats what was implied

Either TL is going to kill me for his wincon or ill get hero shot by someone

Most likely TL kills me

smol brain time

weren’t we always lynching TL

I think you should shoot emilia

my goals for today are try to read Cents, Italy, and maybe a few more

And he has no problem killing Arctic too.

Not sure how I feel he’s lying or not.

killing the ITA bot doesn’t make sense if you think about it for a second because it makes more sense to shoot the source of the bot

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no you don’t get it

barcode’s controller was on the shotslist so shooting barcode instead is guaranteed to not kill an actual scum while shooting on the shotslist might have killed both the controller and barcode itself


it’s always better to try and find the controller

italy is town

there you go

I need to decide that

lemon can be excused cause I’m not sure if she’s played many Bastard/role madness/general fuckery mashes

A number of people said either to ITA between Esooa and me now or to let TL live so that Esooa or I die

And people keep saying Vulgard is scum, then how do they explain Emilia’s vote on Vulgard?

my brain hurts
who does barcode belong to again

to be fair that’d apply to emilia too

i think it might be faulty read on this forum