FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

fuck if I know

maybe they stacked on aelin?

Well I’m dead if people continue to push

or hit a bp

Then where are the ~6 nontown we still have to kill? Aside from TL, the 3p hardclaimer.

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They have absolutely no reason to fakeclaim a redirect on marl here.

They’re also obvtown but whatever, that’s mostly my soulread.

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science can still be a wolf

that is very much true tbh

That’s why I’m talking about reduced KP, if wolves didn’t get any kills last night then they must’ve tried to kill me. I was immune last night.

i keep fucking saying it tl got roleblocked they are the missing kill

~5 nontown we have to kill

it’s possible

it’s also not guaranteed and easy to say after being redchecked lol

mafia factional kill.

i see the ITA immunity as bullshit personally

eh whatever

@centuries is S/I not royal

their softclaim before definitely did not sound like S/I

I see the rb’d as BS too

get over here frenchie

yo im giving 5 minutes for dramatic reveal
