FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)


if he kills wind he gets turbo yeeted

Oh yeah, like they were supposed to get shot/yeeted yesterday… and today…

Esooa not giving a shit at all about her own thunderdome is confusing me greatly

he doesnt if you decide to let him kill esooa lol

The thing is, neither does cloned. Even now, he’s pushing me instead of trying to help us resolve it.

because his only chance at winning is to hope he hits town first and is allowed to kill the second one

maybe its a w/w fuckup

Esooa not giving a shit in general makes me question why are they even playing

thts a really bad fuckup and i can only see it happening if one of them is LW

the potential of that exists

Boats is a good example of that

Here’s the thing: Should Esoosa flips Wolf, then its not looking good for Solic here.

she cared until aelin died and then flipped her shit


oh right lol

Hardclaim by Solic may be required to resolve this

He confirmed Esoosa’s ability is legit but it contradicts ClonedCheese’s action.

Did you read my posts? I’ve seen a w/w fuckup like this exactly once before, and the situation was similarly strange, with neither party too invested in resolving it.

Yes I read them when you made them and I agreed with them :slight_smile:

i think actually there’s no other way this got so fucked up unless solic is empowerer
the reason i say this is because eli got killed through a bpv
and the only way is through a strongman kill
so it would make perfect sense that marl was empowered so that the redirect failed and his shot also went through eli’s bpv