FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

thanks, I wouldn’t have figured it out without u

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GGhana what do you think any of us are going to get out of this conversation

There are many reasons for wolves to bus


not an answer

I feel like if I stop then emilia can just go “see they can’t back up their reads!1!11!1!1!!1!1!2”

…and that’s bad why?

My argument has nothing to do with their bussing so its not really my question to answer

its true!

ok but the only proof you could give behind your orange read is that you thought he was bussing

but you haven’t actually shown why?

If am alive yeah sure.

(Ping me if you don’t yeet me so I don’t forget please)

I’ve said

  1. From reading posts I think orange and kat lack care towards outcome of the game

  2. Voting wolf doesn’t absolve someone from being wolf

I don’t think this is objectionable unless u believe pushing wolf is 100% clear

i asked you to explain this and you only said orange could be bussing

if you cant explain why then why would we ever sheep your read if we kill you

it is objectionable because the read seems to be based on nothing but hot air

someone find the post where i said “Emilia is wolfy because shes trying to appear like she doesnt care, while defending herself aggressively at the same time”

because the last few posts just proved my point


I have to leave thread for a bit

will brb



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how do you do, fellow third party

I’m writing an article on mafia rn it’s fun