FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

but why

like this is a dumb forum game

if you are a wolf why would you get mad just because someone said you’re a wolf

it’s not like pkr was in any danger

I miss the dead villagers.

PKR getting called out by me in particular is always going to light on fire :man_shrugging:

You could join them :flushed:



Okay, that one brought a smile to my face.

pkr always seemed kinda chill

That is a long story

Sometimes ye

oooo drama


Then am doing my job atleast :blush:

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More like years of probably crossing the line with each other unintentionally

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I’m the line :flushed:

I get annoyed when someone does misread me, yes.

Calling me out as a deepwolf is cool when I’m a wolf because then it makes me think I did well enough to be a deepwolf. Being called one as town is just misreading me which is… the norm to the point it really annoys and upsets me.

I used to not know how to be correctly read.
Now I want to know how people are correctly reading me so I can show it in the future :slight_smile:


I checked out of curiosity, and our reads are mostly sort by postcount when it comes to the village/wolf division, with a couple of exceptions.

Wait is GGhana outposting me

What the fuck

haha get fucked

when most of your posts