FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)


Ah yes, the “we don’t have enough information” school of thought.

Do something productive instead of trying to rile me up, it’s not going to work.


no u

At least Vulgard made a point

I’m not going to stop saying this when it’s true. Postgame I’m going to quote every single post calling me mafia and note how many dummies thinking they can read me with confidence were in this game.


3ps dont have pelts


I’m trying to get you to do things, and you’re actively choosing not to do things other than shade me because you disagree with my approach. I’m wasting my time here.

Kinda wishing the event did have a chance of death, because then I could flip in it.

unless its wolf sided

which in this case, TL techincally is cause they tried to kill town

what the fuck are you on about

like actually

you’re giving me an anyuerism

I made a read

you said “it might be incorrect”

I said “why”

and now you’re crying

I still don’t really see GGhana being town here, btw. Him being obnoxious isn’t really AI but I don’t feel like he’s contributed much.

Maybe he’s contributed while I wasn’t in the thread?

whats vul doing

If you’re going to accuse Vulgard for being wolf, will you able to come up with detailed wallpost of quoted Vulgard’s post and put up explanation behind your read?

I love some good evidence.

are you for real

gghana is like my top town


when did I accuse vul of being a wolf