FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

parity check means to take one person and compare their alignment to another i believe

not like this

1 Like

I know

but i think you look better from it personally


I just said if she was going to vote me it would be a thunderdome because she literally said she was thunderdoming me
And then she accused me of being wolfy for thunderdoming her when she started it

night does not possess an ability to parity check players

someone just tell me who to shoot at and ill get out with my smolbrain

there is no community forum mafia 3 in forum of lies annual mash

hey random question does anyone have the mafia political compass meme

if there’s a wolf in those 4 it’s literally just a coincidence


hey guys im a parity cop

It will probably miss so it doesn’t matter

within the next 5 minutes if possible

Emilia/centuries probably

They still fall for the likes though

Where’s t he shot list tho

begone wench from hell

Oh never mind GGhana answered it

didn’t arctic say nutella spew looked good for cent

also like

Nut was just shading the fuck out of wind last day tbh

even though they were much better yesterday comapred to d1

i think wind is spewed town here from Nut

thats the first Nutella spew imo