FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

The ITA isn’t clearing
I think other things for her might be, but there are some things that she’s done that could come from any alignment

just realized this thread was posted in general
lolhosts :joy_cat:

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Lots of people were townreading Nutella were they not before that ita?

hunter!marl almost bled prince!katze in the last nfol


nutella’s interactions with uni were mortifying

not really

Yes but she was also on the shotlist and people went straight for her
The odd thing is I don’t think she was the top target on the shot list but when barcode showed up some people went straight for her

esooa fits the mold of a deflated wolf today and there’s a very obvious reason for her to be deflated

Others only went for barcode

im deflated

i think like

a couple

rest wolflean/read the slot and was agreed upon to be on shot list

Yeah and unfortunately uni was just town lol

no matter how far we progress it all goes back to the motherfucking boats

im actually pretty bored so im gonna skim some nutella spew

you’re welcome for not outting that she was an obvwolf all game so we could get more of it, nutella spew is a valuable currency

First Spew imo is wind looks alot better

but i know your town so :man_shrugging:

lmao nutella was goin pretty hard on conboi d1


I have no memory of that happening

…vul might be a wolf