FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

If it came from town, it would’ve already been claimed, because the message looked like it hit a vest or an angeled player.

i tracked aelin to your mom, she’s clear

the reason there’s reduced KP is because TL claims occupied and imperial

you know, a vest
like one of the person who just flipped

I’m guessing mafia just killed Aelin with only 2 kills flipping and Marl being the one that killed Eli.

Aelin also didn’t crumb anything day 2.

Seems pretty blatant?

i know PKR claimed a redcheck on vul but i think vul is a villager

i feel like Arete in that one SFoL

so uh

i think i know who aelin tried to shoot at ln

get outta here

guys did you really need to check that

jesus it was so obvious

that cross post lol

no it was

but like confirmation you know

I mean, yeah I kind of ignored those posts, because we already know Marl is town. :man_shrugging:

He claims his kills were strongman if certain conditions were met, but his rolecard doesn’t say so.

Where did he pull that from?



he admitted to bsing that

thread moving too fast

But then the Eli kill through the vest is unexplained.

We also have cloned claiming Marl actually killed Aelin and then dipping.

solic said both can be telling the truth

Cloned did say he was driving rn

also he claimed to have redirected marl to aelin