FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

GGhana is talking about d1 interaction i think

yeah no today though

i agree them siding with vul over pkr is ???

why was that good either

I’d let katze live a bit longer






esooa’s day 1 can be more easily faked than katze’s IMO

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I’m not sure why I’m trying to use FK’s accuracy on non-Centuries reads to figure out if he’s correct on his Centuries read when these reads aren’t at all associated with each other.

It felt like arete/vul from RWBY energy wise to me

Both were acitvely like trying to read the other and you can see their thought processes

could it be faked, yes, but like, it felt like that interaction to me, so i thought it was T/T

it can

but Katze is a very good player who can fake that shit

The difference is that I could see kat trolling me the entire time.

The problem is that I don’t think it’s AI for them to troll me, even if they were trolling me. We’ve played a f6->f4 in the past as V/V and they spent a lot of time trolling me there.

yeah but esooa’s stuff is still easier to fake

so like yeah

i don’t think it was at all, i think in RWBY they were actually going more in depth

here it’s just a bit iffy

note how im saying this about the person i saved from taking a bullet from marl n1 lol

Dude if kat is mafia Marl is 2/2 on his vig shots.

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Lemonfairy has ~mild town vibes to me but I don’t see anything huge.

I’m bad at reading Appel so idk if I should try my hand at reading her ISO.

yeah it was probs

it just had that energy though to me

actually the more I think about it

how many wolves as Vulgard actually bagged

Frost having 200+ posts today is super far out of wolfrange, same level as Italy’s postcount difference.

Idk how much of that can be attributed to this being a mash rather than a regular game, but still.

Also, their posts are mostly on topic rather than random nonsense.

he has lol/astand he called out d1 super early

though i do think orange pushing the fuck out of lol at day 1, i think pelt more so belongs to him

but i do think vul deserves some credit for that bag

also i was thinking about this last night

we likely have 2 to 3 group wolves, a LW and the 3p (TL) left on the board i think