FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

and if she dies?

??? what the fuck are you saying

it doesn’t close if she dies, it’s a permanent chat, I was forcefully removed from it, I can read it literally any time if not removed, me being there has or not has no bearing on her decision in any world

You’re claiming to have a chat with Aelin. Okay.

Aelin enters the chat on n2, you say that you couldn’t have been there on that night. Arctic claimed to have removed you from the chat.

If you were removed from the chat, Aelin could’ve seen that you didn’t have access to it. The list of people in chats on Discourse is right at the top of said chat, and she would’ve noticed that you weren’t responding, anyway. And if the chat was on Discord… same principle. There’s a list of users with access to the server, and if Arctic removed you, Aelin would’ve seen that you’d been kicked out.

she is dead

so it does not factor into her decision AT ALL

so did she not say who she was shooting during the night?

Wait, so it removed you at SoD? So basically, if she said she was changing her target in the chat, you didn’t see it because you thought you would’ve been able to backread - and you ended up not being able to backread?


a message is sent in the chat when somebody is removed

Well, now it just sounds convenient you’re withholding this information from us. You had a lot of time to check.

because kat checked him as special/investigative lol

Shot Universal

I literally NEVER WITHHELD THIS I have explained it already

Also, this statement of yours implies that you didn’t care who she was shooting, because if you did care, you would’ve checked during the night, not during the day.

oh my fuckingh god

I am not returning for the rest of the day phase

How villagery of you to be aggressively useless.

honestly i feel like doing the same

Esooa before u leave

Get on the vulgard wagon w me