FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

*make any sense

like how is this a villagery mindset

she hasnt gone “idk I just feel like he is”

she hasnt said “these posts give me a weird vibe”

when I press her she just immediately tries to change the subject to something completely unrelated

how can I make this more clear like come on

solic might be right tbh

what about cheese

outside of Vulgard case he posted, he really doesnt have much tbh


emilia’s meta is so bad that some people have started calling it a trust tell

trust tells dont exist

It really is fucking bad tbh

i could say the same for you to an extent but like

harry potter fm you did kinda break that a bit tbh

that’s because all the trust tellers were violently erased from mafia communities


can you explain why

Warhammer FM

she was present for like d1 and a bit of day 2

and jsut disappeared for like 2 to 3 days

ive yet to actually iso emilia but

im not going to pretend her postcount isnt >rand v for her

like as far as i can tell emilia has just been profoundly unhelpful in almost every single possible way today that i would actually be stunned if it came from a villager

in the game she linked didnt she post 250 times as a wolf


shoot her if u want its probably not a read i’d bet the game on

im trying to figure out where my reads are right now so i should prob focus on that

im not against the shot cause like

its giving me headaches similar to leafia with how static she is with her argument

and its killing threadstate

theres no way emilias slot should live to lylo anyways

this day has been enough of a trainwreck for that slot that i dont think it can recover

and unlike centuries there isnt even a mech situation causing it