FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

did conboi ever out his n2 result

Wolf Bus Driver seems like a thing that is likely

but, two wolf occupiers flipped already so idk

He claimed to have checked solic for an omega ability

did he confirm/deny

actually that result is probably accurate regardless of alignment

i dont think so?

i wasnt awake when he revealed his targets

although that N1 result + roleblock is :grimacing:

i actually want to know more about this

because practically emilia has made zero reads

shes just said “katze and orange maf” with as far aso I can tell absolutely no thought behind it

he also got the result wrong before i even claimed to have roleblocked him

That was response to you saying orange is towny for killing wolves

most of your reasoning against emilia can probably be explained by “EMILIA” in comic sans

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he said marshal didn’t have an omega ability

didnt he claim to check a dead person

are wolves even playing

pretty much lmao

then you need to explain how it is bad

thats not what i said jesus christ

i literally asked you to explain why you had your read because orange seemed focused on killing wolves and solving

you said he could be bussing

i asked if you had proof and youve just responded with fuck all for the past 100 posts

when i said i had info suggesting conroy is a wolf i also just realized that he had the wrong result about marshal anyway

which no one seemed to think looked bad



im actually going to slam my head into the desk

are you even reading my posts at this point