FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

also i just realized, conroy giving the wrong result makes perfect sense with him being rb’ed

he didn’t actually receive any feedback so he didn’t have any to check

i genuinely think he just fucked up with this

fortunately it’s a gay earth though
because if it were a straight earth the world would be flat

you know i think you can mute her posts

i fucking told you

but he still said he got a positive result

france is still in the box

do you think its possible that he misread the “roleblocked” result with “negative” :joy_cat:

you do realize this makes him more likely to be a wolf because then he really was roleblocked and isn’t admitting it

doesnt being roleblocked as an investigative just not return any results?

nah thats necessary

shes not harassing me

i just cant deal with the shear power of her posts

no you get told you were roleblocked

that is why france is in the box

uh you’d prob get “your action failed” or whatever

im too lazy to look at fol feedback

you would be told you were rb’d


heyo kiddos

appel is probably just sitting at home in denmark or whatever just watching us fucking implode in wolf chat

legit conused why conroy would lie about his results as either alignment

conroy is a fucking jester

finland lol

france is a fucking jester

same thing