FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

but frankly I don’t think he needs to be

why did no wolves even mention gghana


this after boats is hardclearing

arctic if u tinfoil my boy gay “gghana” ghana im gonna slap u

no leafia did

did you miss all the posts leafia made to try to suck up to me

and everyone he ended up getting in a massive argument with is either still alive or flipped villager so


i have a day vig

im not gonna use it on you because youre obviously a villager

but the implication is there

i still think ur town but it is kinda odd how wolves have hardly mentioned you at all


anyways I need to go get dinner


if gghana is scum I will eat my hat

nice crosspost

I have been doing it all game and today actively helping. It’s just what I do when am bored.

i was on point on leafia and everyone went “haha leafia 3p”

to be fair they really tried to save tan for whatever reason

That would be disappointing I know Esooa can’t but wind should :hugs:

congrats u don’t have a life lmao