FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

part of it being a 36/12 mash

TL if we vote out a CL will you get credit for it

no only if i kill it directly voting a CL will have me lose in defeat

i can’t even do a funny CFD?


yeah i need to do the killing action
ITA that hits
or my factional
or the 1-shot i get from pirate

place your bets

will we ever design a 3p that doesn’t openclaim at some point


3ps suck

they can be good NK’s suck though

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citation needed

my home site one sec i have the files

if you post the parity cop im gonna flip

what about the party cop

Yeah its the parady cop that wins after it gets a difference check

isn’t that from a Seth setup

no, clem


is for 9 player games 5v1v3

@katze I’m here, ama

/vote Centuries