FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

yeah okay that’s the move

Look, TL can personally shoot me tonight but don’t ITA me please

idk i think esooa/wind might just be V/V but :joy_cat:

sorry windy

is this enough to constitute a townslip?

you’re probably right

I still have ITAs left

maybe I should redirect Lizzo’s wrath to centuries instead

it’s emilia so

also why are we killing wind and esooa?
like why

Btw the fact that role was after orange is something else

This will make sense in due time

also fwiw

nute’s flip means i shot at hippo with a much lower % ITA shot than i thought

was still reasonable odds because of my role but that cant be confirmed

are you summoning eldritch gods to fudge dice rolls for you

Are you so sure that all the CLs are outed now?


congrats on graduating :smiley:

/ita uni

we are not killing windward

TL is obviously lying

my fucking eyes

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I don’t get why you still think I’m scum but ok

holy shit lol

thats mean

Are we sure tl isn’t just a wolf actually