FAM Thread 3 (Day 3)

bad take

orange thought so too


tbh probably

i just think it’s not at all unreasonable to think that wolves would waste ITAs on an NPC, especially since they likely knew nutella was going down soon

because it was dumb and I said it was dumb

Because I don’t think we have 2 wolves necessarily,TL has no reason to tell the truth. He needs to kill 2 CLs so it’s perfectly convenient to say that two are mafia.

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I didn’t know it would die after its controller dies ok

P sure Lemon is still clear

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fwiw whatever TL says doesnt matter cause when he claims 3p we’re going to kill him

And we got one, lets hope the other CL is not converter as well.

there are no converters

Didn’t he already hardclaim 3p

i think the most likely scenario is that TL doesnt know the alignments of the CLs, just the number of them


I thought I would die hour in ITA window so I wanted to shoot someone who was 100% wolf before that

yes thats what im saying

we’re not going to spare him if his CLs are X alignmnts

he claimed 3p

he dies

I think frost just meant neighborizers?

how many non-towns are there that we need to kill

Weren’t you advocating for me to die like a couple minutes ago

No no, like inviting to the mafia

Vulgard said 6 which was a weird number

OP says no conversions

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