FBR - Spec Chat

Also, I’m looking into having someone program a tool for me to help with processing. Because this takes a lot of time when there are many players. And future changes I plan will make it involve even more.

Like if I implement terrain effects, that complicates things.

I want to add skills for players to make each more unique. So like I might give people a few random skills at the beginning and they choose 1 or 2. Maybe there would be a skill to make you more proficient at certain weapons. Or maybe a tracking skill. Things like that.

I might add a Helmet item that reduces the damage from a Sniper Rifle only. Like it prevents head shots that are typically the way the sniping takes out a player in the games. That might balance that out a bit.

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I could add an item like the Monster Energy drink thing that was suggested to give bonus actions.

Sorry, by version I meant sequel
Meant that as in what’s gonna be changed with FBR 2 which you answered

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Oh you’d have to be careful if you add something like that

Yeah, definitely. It would only last for a certain round and would have to be somewhat rare.

I was considering limiting action types, but not sure. So like maybe of the 8 actions, only 4 could be attacks. That way people can’t just attack for all 8. They would need to consider some movement in there or using items.

If I limit action types, that also opens the possibility of skills being able to change that. So like if normally you can only have 4 attacks, people with a certain military skill could increase that to 5 or 6 maybe.

And if normally you can only have like 4 movement actions, then someone with a running skill could increase to 6.

There might be a nursing/medical skill where you can heal yourself sometimes. Maybe like once a round you get a free healing actions similar to the healing kit.

So with enough skills and weapon proficiencies, it will add some variety through customization.

Anyone gonna die this round?

I don’t think die. Zone has a full HPs and still 1 damage that can be absorbed by his Body Armor. So even if he steps on that Land Mine and then get hit by the one attack Jane is doing at the end, he’ll survive.

However, next round will be very interesting because Jane and Zone will be on the same tile. I assume both will just all out attack. Zone may actually have the advantage because he has an Assault Rifle equipped whereas Jane has the Sniper Rifle. The Assault Rifle will be better for closer range.

Could they end up killing each other simultaneously

No, it is done in turns. And the turn order is randomized each round.

But if Jane is able to place that Land Mine on the tile and then gets killed by Zone, Zone might later trigger the Land Mine when walking off the tile. But I’m still not sure if I should allow Jane to place that Land Mine there while Zone is on the tile.

Jane did just get a Body Armor that Zone left for them. Haha :slight_smile:

So if Zone steps on that Land Mine, he’ll be in bad shape when facing Jane next round.