Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)


Haven’t seen my card so I’d say 1

Give us ur top town reads before lul

No, I still stand by them being near pointless since it’s everyone’s goal to find scum

Wait there are 3 votes on me? What happened before1

Okay top 2 town reads!:
Ici cuz he screams town to me and Idk why
Meme cuz hes always a meme when town and always not a meme and afk when scum

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Short story.

Pug quit when people voted him.

Those are some terrible reasons for reads ngl

Okay I saw my card; I’m still a 1

Top scum reads?

And /unvote I don’t know why I’m on M


Fine. I don’t quite understand the motivations but tbh I don’t want to lynch you today

/vote Mthejoker

I’d have to spend a while going through the entire thread to give town reads

Honestly I kinda want me lynched

Town is so fucked right now


They aren’t we still have a chance.

urrrrgh this post feels ew
Marl don’t make me think you’re a wolf, please

L e t m e o u t o f t h I s p u r g a t o r y

How many town are dead?

Top scum reads!:
Joker, he voted a person which usually memes when town and only voted him cuz hes a meme

wait I will go back and read more posts

Almost half of them