Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)

You don’t get to tell us if something you said is NAI! :eyes: That’s for us to decide!

But if it was outside of game and you considered AI, it would be angleshooting

You see there’s a problem

Joker’s previous posts were scummy, but when pressured more than before his post is suddenly towny

You arguing I should not change my mind makes me want to vote you because that’s kind of what happened in SFoL 13 with me - I became towny when pressured

I’m slowly beginning to think this is scum!you right now solely because you are pushing the scummiest lynches

You hammered Sam’s lynch first, and he was VI

Now you’re trying to vote M for being VI earlier

Two easy lynches that can just as easily be two mislynches, one has already happened

Also I should mention you have never campaigned for a lynch of someone less scummy. Interestingly enough you also left Pug’s slot alone even though Pug made that slot very scummy too. Scumbuddies?

At this point there are too many things pinging me about your posts to keep me in the town!Marl mindset.

/vote Marluxion

The ISSUE HERE is that we need to figure out if it’s forced or if it’s not

Also quit putting words in my mouth
at what point did I say I think M is a VI?

You never said it but that’s clearly the case

No, I never once have called him a VI
because that would imply he is town.

I don’t not believe M to be town, especially not after his earlier posts

You have to realize that in vanilla formats ANYONE can seem towny or scummy.
It’s early in the game that the wolves reveal themselves most often.

I would be hanging pug 100% today if Livicus hadn’t replaced him btw
not only was eevee reading him as scum, but his flip would likely either damn M or save M. We would get so much info from his flip. The only reason I’m not pushing this wagon anymore is because he replaced out like a 4 year old.

Also, something i want to figure out is who in their right mind would nightkill CELESTE.
She wasn’t acting scummy and she hadn’t softed doctor.

Her last post is one accusing joker
Just fucking saying

Also an interesting line
I did propose a Celeste+Vulgard scumteam yesterday.
Did you maybe kill her to disprove that?

Yeah because I definitely wouldn’t nightkill Ici or you

The actual good players

r00d af
Celeste is a fine player
above average in this game imo

Also that was one line from Celeste and it never amounted to anything

I wasn’t trying to be rude haha

Who’s your go-to lynch today?

but i can’t lynch him as it would be rude to livicus who just replaced in

Also I really want to read you as town but I still can’t

Hey can you not vote me thanks.

You know who would be a better Lynch target? Joker, Par , Others

The fact you brought up Pug as your prime lynch right after I mentioned him not being your prime lynch is concerning to me

You’re indirectly trying to make me stop reading you

This comes off as very abrupt to me

Thank you, agreed, finally

/Vote marl

literally how
examining nightkills is 90% of what we can do in this game