Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)

No you did not, ive been telling you to stop meming from the beginning

you aren’t even trying

you’re just fucking around

Or confusing scum :thinking:

So are like 4 people actually trying

Town is doomed

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Especially since at least 1 among the 4 is guaranteed scum

as i said at start of day
if mafia dont kill each other we are so incredibly fucked

I’m reading like 2 people as blatant town at this point

Out of 9

Because others aren’t active enough

Would no lunch help :man_shrugging:


/vote Memesky

Idc anymore, if this is town I’m going to request a ban from FM

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M, Meme, FK, Parfait - 2 have to be scum in these 4

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Pretty sure he’s town
He needs to stop fucking around and start contributing though

/vote Parfait

Lurking is your new strategy as mafia, huh? @Parfait
I would have thought that I taught you better.

mislynch the joker might be a mislynch
he needs to stop being so pigheaded and actually attempt to learn though

Don’t forget Livicus

I just join everything i see even tho i have nothing to do in read based game


FK, M, Meme, Parfait, Livi

There are at least two scum to be found there but they all have barely contributed anything so we could feasibly lynch either

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We’re basically taking chances