Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)

So we gonna discuss some more this day or can someone hammer this?


we need every bit of discussion we can get


Can you Unvote while I gather evidence against you thanks.

Okay want till we have around 1 hours left before hammering this, ima keep my vote because I may not be on at that time

Someone Unvote


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/hand of suspicion Parfait

just so nobody gets confused

Ima try something for my first time :frowning:

Voted Voters Number of Votes
Parfait htm, Marluxion, Maximus, MtheJoker 4
MtheJoker Memesky, Parfait, Firekitten 3
Firekitten Vulgard 1

/chicken finger of suspicion parfait

Don’t remove my vote I just wanted to make that joke

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I thought I saw something simliar but I may be imaging stuff :thinking:

Wait wut is going on?

I kinda forgot this existed

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Reads go!

Marl are you proud of me for pretending to be Eevee?

No I still think you’re opprotunistic scum

Well I’m using data rn in case you wanted my to talk or something

I see something simliar but I don’t know if it has anything to do with each other :frowning:

Nah you’re fine. You’re obviously town
You won’t be lynched today at least

Wait I need to go read the last 1000 posts or so