Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)

So no I’m not unvoting this

Voted Voters Number of Votes
Parfait htm, Marluxion, Maximus, MtheJoker, Memesky 5
MtheJoker Parfait, Firekitten 2
Firekitten Vulgard 1

plz unvote?

@Marluxion save us and unvote.

no u lolll

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Last words?

“Ashe, I hope you’re not playing me.”

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Is this admittance to being scum though :eyes:

Explain why you think that Firekitten and I are scumbuddies trying to cover for each other @Vulgard ?

Because I don’t see it

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Exe or u confirmed maf lol

Meme Vote Joker Or no ice cream .

Im doc

You get no ice cream then :thinking:

Do you want an honest answer?

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Im doctor tho

Please, explain your thought process. I was expecting some people to say I’m a wolf for lying if the play went wrong, so you’ll still be villager in my eyes.

also can we CFD onto memeksy

Ffs. You are meme’ing. If you are not say so and we lynch FK. But you are meme’ing. Stop

Unvote please

I’m at l-1 and Booli Marl is going to hammer the moment he gets on the forums

Unvote or your confirmed scum.

The honest answer is that I don’t understand one bit of that interaction