Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)

Who did you heal fk?

Fire might have found confirmed town if they were attacked

Or at least, confirmed not ice mafia


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He’s confirmed not ice mafia then

Galaxy Brain Marl

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Was he attacked?

Or do you not get feedback for that?

Fire wouldn’t

I asked I get no feed back ^.^

/vote Livicus
@pug you ready to be blacklisted?

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So basically Ici is not ice mafia or ice mafia fucked up and didn’t attack anyone

We should assume the former. With two living members the latter is unlikely

I’m surprised no one attacked me though.

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They didnt attack doctor claim lul

whoa hold on, I’m actually not any mafia although that’s kind of hard to prove

and Pug wouldn’t be blacklisted for ditching mafia

but can you guys tell me how exactly Pug was being scummy in the moments before I replaced him

I mean marl said he would blacklist him if he was scum

then Pug’s safe from blacklist but also partially a troll

Wtf I’m alive?

Voted Voters Number of Votes
Livicus Marluxion 1