Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)

We have to hang a fire or we lose

Memesky is confirmed fire mafia

how much are you enjoying this in a scale from 1 to 10

personally i’m broken

Follow my logic here vulgard
Ici confirmed himself as mafia
Meaning he gets shot 100% of the time
We hang the other mafia and if they shoot each other we win

do you know where the problem lies

@Htm @Icibalus vote for Memesky pls

In the plants?

ici has to die

I don’t think that’s the case

He’s an easy shot target

Worst case scenario we get to Lynch meme before we lose

Ok that’s a tempting argument

Maybe we shouldn’t quick hammer it tho

Look at wut happened to Livic when he got quick hammered

/vote Meme

We shouldn’t quick hammer him tho imo

We can Lynch another maf and still lose or Lynch meme and have a chance at winning

no stop

why u doing bad things

Imo we should
There’s nothing left to solve

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we’re being played

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Are you memes partner?