Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)

I’m just waiting for someone to post the avatar theme now…

wait a minuite what do you mean it’s not RvS I demand a re-rand so I can make shit meme votes

Guys Ici is here. With his whackometer

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Sam i was literally scum in that game my read was DELIBERATELY wrong
honestly that post pings me as scum already lol

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You claiming evil wanting to Lynch me again?

jeez I just said i had a scumlean on you

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I think you are thinking of a different quote.

YOU SEE, that quote says something different

I am confused explain again please?

K so where did you see him claiming evil.


Everyone: sees a post

Everyone: “lol that’s scum!!!”

A mislynch occurs

Hmmmm now where have I seen this before…

I interpreted the quote to my liking. I did not misquoted

Oh I know I know!

I never said you misquoted I said you must be thinking of a different quote.

arrrrrrrrgh why am I online while all the mislynch bait make posts that ping me so hard

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I could ping you too,


/vote Mthejoker

Serious vote. Every single post he’s made so far already pings me as either scum or null.

I wouldn’t mind voting him either.

Him flipping scum can show us that pug is prob also scum for him defending him.

wow another post that pings me as off

maybe this is just the hour where everyone makes wolfy posts

My post looks perfectly fine
