Fire and Ice Mafia - Fire Mafia Wins! (2/13 Alive)

Well you shouldn’t judge until they’re active

But once they are, then we can find grounds for lynching Par

Kill joker if town

If Par is town?

I totally remembered that I signed up for this game


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K give us your reads 3 secs go!

But you didnt forget to do factional kill HMMMMMM


Changing your picture won’t help you!

Sorry, I won’t answer that until you give us your 17 biggest scumreads.


That’s not how this works

ily Litten


K why don’t you give us ur top 4 scum go!


:^ )


I followed Firekitten he didnt visit anyone

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His buddy parfait did the factional kill then

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Nooo, I used bear last night

Ok we found fire mafia ice now

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Hey host who is king?

I don’t think we have a King